Please note the timezone information!
Time Zone: Atlantic/Canary, GMT: +1
GMT+2-Difference: -1 hrs. Please note the instructions in the Settings tab!Moon phases above in the tab Moon Times
S: Moonset, R: Moonrise
● New Moon, ○ Full Moon, ⇑ Waxing, ⇓ Waning, ◐ First Quarter, ◑ Last Quarter (at 0:00)
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(Times also available at
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In the calendar, the times for Costa Teguise in September 2024 are displayed.
For interactive input of your coordinates, please click on this [Link] (worldwide)
Or: Enter place name or postal code. The postal code is best entered in the form "AT 6370", "CH 6433", "DE 90513", etc.
You can easily customize the calendar to a location. To do this, please either enter the coordinates in the fields above or use one of the interactive input options or the search via the postal code. In order to use the calendar for any location, it must first be set to that location. However, if you have reached this page through an already customized link, the adjustment to a location is usually not necessary. If youIf you don't know the coordinates, you can determine them conveniently and interactively as mentioned. Through the interactive coordinate selection, you can find places worldwide.
The calendar takes into account daylight saving time and standard time. Please note that you may need to adjust the time zone, as the times in the calendar are based on GMT +1 hours (Berlin time zone). "GMT" is somewhat the world base time. Without an adjustment, the calendar will show, for example, what time the sun rises in New York according to Berlin time. (Further explanation and help on time zones in Wikipedia). In the months of the daylight saving time change, the times are mixed. In these months, the sudden jump of one hour is explained. If you want to determine the times for a specific country in a different time zone, you need to enter the difference ("time difference") into the form above. For the example of New York, this means you replace the "0" with "-6" and then click "Update" again.
If you display information about the time zone, you will see this information directly above the calendar for the currently selected location. The bold number indicates the difference to standard time (GMT). DST indicates whether daylight saving time or standard time is currently in effect at the location. Please consider this if you are performing a calculation for a future or past date.
You can use this small calculator to calculate the difference. You then need to update via the form above:
Attention! Please check whether there is a daylight saving time change in the relevant country, in which months these changes occur, and how large the time differences are. And keep in mind that on the southern hemisphere, summer is during our winter (and vice versa). You need to additionally account for this information in the table.
The values become less accurate the further north (or south) the locations are. The calculation is based on an astronomical model that refers to locations at sea level. Therefore, the calculations may differ from the actual times at your location for various reasons. One reason could be the altitude at which you are located. The higher your location, the longer the day length.
The mere indication of the moon phases does not allow conclusions about the light conditions at night.
"Twilight" generally refers to the time when the sun is just setting in the evening. It can equally refer to the time when the sun is rising in the morning. During twilight, the sun is hidden below the horizon. However, the sky already (or still) glows a little to very brightly.
When flying in an airplane, due to the spherical shape of the earth, you can see the sun a bit longer compared to an observer on the ground. The observer on the ground, on the other hand, still sees the airplane in sunlight, although the sun has already disappeared below the horizon. The atmosphere reflects the sun's rays and continues to glow for a while, even though the sun has already set (or for a while before it rises).
There are four categories of twilight. When the sun just disappears below the horizon, the twilight of the "official" sunset begins. After that, when the sun is no longer visible, the "civil twilight" follows. During this time, most outdoor activities can still be carried out without additional light. Then the "nautical twilight" follows. The sky is already so dark that the brighter stars are easily visible. The horizon is still recognizable at sea. When the sun has disappeared 12 degrees below the horizon, the horizon at sea also disappears into the darkness.
Then the "astronomical twilight" follows. More and more stars become visible, but the sky is still too bright for an astronomer to work. Only when the sun has disappeared 18 degrees below the horizon does the last twilight also disappear.
DST = Daylight Saving Time
"Date","Sunrise","Sunset","Noon","Sunlight (hours)","DST"
"Sonntag, 01. September 2024","07:30:54","20:16:42","14:53:48","12:45:48","yes"
"Montag, 02. September 2024","07:31:24","20:15:32","14:53:28","12:44:08","yes"
"Dienstag, 03. September 2024","07:31:55","20:14:23","14:53:09","12:42:28","yes"
"Mittwoch, 04. September 2024","07:32:25","20:13:12","14:52:49","12:40:47","yes"
"Donnerstag, 05. September 2024","07:32:55","20:12:02","14:52:29","12:39:07","yes"
"Freitag, 06. September 2024","07:33:26","20:10:51","14:52:08","12:37:25","yes"
"Samstag, 07. September 2024","07:33:56","20:09:39","14:51:48","12:35:43","yes"
"Sonntag, 08. September 2024","07:34:26","20:08:28","14:51:27","12:34:02","yes"
"Montag, 09. September 2024","07:34:56","20:07:16","14:51:06","12:32:20","yes"
"Dienstag, 10. September 2024","07:35:26","20:06:04","14:50:45","12:30:38","yes"
"Mittwoch, 11. September 2024","07:35:56","20:04:52","14:50:24","12:28:56","yes"
"Donnerstag, 12. September 2024","07:36:26","20:03:39","14:50:03","12:27:13","yes"
"Freitag, 13. September 2024","07:36:56","20:02:26","14:49:41","12:25:30","yes"
"Samstag, 14. September 2024","07:37:26","20:01:14","14:49:20","12:23:48","yes"
"Sonntag, 15. September 2024","07:37:56","20:00:01","14:48:58","12:22:05","yes"
"Montag, 16. September 2024","07:38:26","19:58:48","14:48:37","12:20:22","yes"
"Dienstag, 17. September 2024","07:38:56","19:57:35","14:48:16","12:18:39","yes"
"Mittwoch, 18. September 2024","07:39:27","19:56:22","14:47:54","12:16:55","yes"
"Donnerstag, 19. September 2024","07:39:57","19:55:09","14:47:33","12:15:12","yes"
"Freitag, 20. September 2024","07:40:27","19:53:56","14:47:11","12:13:29","yes"
"Samstag, 21. September 2024","07:40:58","19:52:43","14:46:50","12:11:45","yes"
"Sonntag, 22. September 2024","07:41:28","19:51:30","14:46:29","12:10:02","yes"
"Montag, 23. September 2024","07:41:59","19:50:17","14:46:08","12:08:18","yes"
"Dienstag, 24. September 2024","07:42:30","19:49:04","14:45:47","12:06:34","yes"
"Mittwoch, 25. September 2024","07:43:01","19:47:52","14:45:26","12:04:51","yes"
"Donnerstag, 26. September 2024","07:43:32","19:46:39","14:45:06","12:03:07","yes"
"Freitag, 27. September 2024","07:44:04","19:45:27","14:44:45","12:01:23","yes"
"Samstag, 28. September 2024","07:44:35","19:44:16","14:44:25","11:59:41","yes"
"Sonntag, 29. September 2024","07:45:07","19:43:04","14:44:05","11:57:57","yes"
"Montag, 30. September 2024","07:45:39","19:41:53","14:43:46","11:56:14","yes"